Who we Are

Sophia SPRING Project

This project aims to develop various support that fosters global doctoral students who, based on Christian humanism, embody Sophia’s educational philosophy "For Others, With Others," and open the path to the future of sustainable society through the power of science, technology, and innovation.

Financial Support

Research incentive fees
Research incentive fees(equivalent to living expenses):185,000 yen per month※1
Research allowance
Research allowance:180,000 yen per year (maximum)※2

Capacity Building Program for Doctoral Students

expertise(your study)

Improving interdisciplinarity and networking

  • Creation of a cross-disciplinary community with SPRING selected students
  • Exchange program for young researchers, including PD and young researchers, etc.

Providing opportunities for international research and exchange

  • Dispatch to overseas research institutes
  • Participation in international collaborative project consortiums, etc.

Provide transferable skills programs that maximize abilities

  • Improvement of communication and presentation skills
  • Entrepreneurship, etc.

Career Support

SPRING students in 2024

Name Graduate School of Research Themes
S.N Languages and Linguistics 移民2世の継承語と言語的アイデンティティ―日本社会における複数言語間の力関係に着目して
Y.O Global Studies 現代インドネシア・ジャワにおけるカトリック巡礼地建設と宗教間関係をめぐる人類学的研究
K.S Science and Technology 超分子的に近接させた分子間の相互作用に基づく電気化学的シグナル増強メカニズムの解明とそれを利用したホウ素検出センサーの開発
T.Z Science and Technology ICTシステム自動設計のための深層強化学習手法の研究
L.L Global Environmental Studies Pathways to Urban Low-carbon Green Development under the Vision of Carbon Neutrality
S.K Science and Technology 抗菌効果を有する繊維状無機物シートの開発とその調整法の確立
K.N Human Sciences 精神分析的観点から見た自殺の力動とその治療法の検討
S.F Science and Technology 素粒子極限物質「クォーク・グルーオン・プラズマ」に関する理論的研究
Y.L Science and Technology 計算力学的手法による金属材料のき裂進展解析手法に関する研究
S.K Applied Religious Studies ファッションに現れる<文化的スピリチュアリティ>の探求―死・身体・生を手がかりに
M.J Economics Reallocation of revenue collected from carbon tax and its effectiveness
K.S Science and Technology Development of CFD Code and Experimentation for Rotating Detonation Engine