Research Support Programs for Graduate School Students
Research activities are based on the research outcomes of our predecessors and the ideas and untiring efforts of individual researchers. It is important for us to foster next-generation early-career researchers for the further advancement of academics. Our efforts are intended to enhance programs and environments to nurture young researchers by supporting graduate school students from various dimensions through the reorganization of conventional programs.
A. Support Program for Attendance and Presentations at Academic Meetings
- Supports travel costs(transportation fees, accommodation fees etc.) for delivering academic meetings held in Japan and overseas.
- Support is provided in units of 1,000 yen depending on the total amount of travel expenses.
B. Support Program for the Publication of Research Outcomes in Foreign Languages
- Supports the actual expenses required for translations and proofreading for the submission or publication of papers, or presentations at academic meetings in a foreign language.
C. Support Program for Applicants of JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists
- Targets researchers seeking awarding of a JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists.
- Targets wide range of researchers from new applicants to awardees.
- Supports actual costs of various expenses within range of receivable amounts.
Scholarship Programs
Starting April 2022, Sophia University establishes a new scholarship "Sophia University Graduate School Scholarship for Fostering Researchers in Doctoral Program", intended to foster excellent researchers with outstanding research abilities to lead the research activities of Sophia University and the international development. The scholarship is provided for regular students enrolled in Doctoral Programs of Sophia University and who satisfy the requirements of the scholarship to encourage their research activities. The students will be selected based on recommendation by the affiliated Graduate Schools and Programs/Disciplines.
Eligible students
Students who are recommended by the Dean of the Graduate School and who satisfy the following requirements:
- Currently enrolled regular students who are within required residence term (excluding continuing enrollment students, readmitted students, students on full-year leave of absence)
- Graduate School judges that the students have concrete research plans, dedicate efforts on research, and will attain satisfactory achievements for obtaining a degree.
- Students to whom the following does not apply:
- a recipient of scholarships granted as Japanese government project ("Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for Research Students", "JICA acceptance of trainees by universities(JICA大学委託受入研修員)", "The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship(JDS)"etc.)
- incoming students funded by foreign governments.
- a recipient of external scholarship that prohibits receiving multiple scholarships
※Students are eligible if they are recipients of other Sophia University scholarships, JSPS Research Fellow, RA, TA.
Scholarship amount
- For Sophia University Graduate Schools other than Graduate School of Science and Technology: Annual amount of 300,000 yen
- For Sophia University Graduate School of Science and Technology: Annual amount of 400,000 yen